Technical lecture

Avidens: Assured component quality with plastic recyclate via in-mold sensor technology

16. October 2024 from 13:10 to 13:50 Clock
Room BerlinFORUM
Herr Dr. Alexander Chaloupka, NETZSCH Process Intelligence GmbH, Selb
Product group: Devices for measuring, control, regulating and testing
From 2025, new minimum recycling quotas for technical plastic components will come into force as part of the European Green Deal in order to promote the use of recycled materials. However, this poses considerable challenges, as the increased demand for post-consumer recyclates is expected to result in significant fluctuations in quality. Processors and OEMs need to ensure product quality despite varying material properties. Current injection volume and pressure adjustments offer limited visibility into the mold or part, resulting in high scrap rates and inefficiencies due to a lack of process transparency.
This presentation will highlight opportunities to improve part quality when using recycled materials, particularly through the use of live sensor data from inside the part during the injection molding process combined with artificial intelligence. These technologies enable more precise processing, early defect detection and optimized production processes - and thus consistently high component quality.