Process Gardening GmbHHall B2 - Stand B2-2206

A compendium for your complete company - efficiently maintained with Process Gardening
With Process Gardening you create and maintain your most important instrument for
* Process controlling
* Human resources management
* Turnover
Please note: Our tool and coaching will be in German. So please refer to the German version of this website.
Thank you!

How to reduce hidden waste - Cost savings with Process Gardening
In a well structured company, the time you and your employees need for searching information and documents they need will be drastically reduced.
In an example of a minor company with 20 employees, we demonstrate cost savings of about 200.000 Euro per year just be a shift in ...more
11. October 2024 from 9:00 to 10:00 Clock
Work with ease through systems and processes (in German)
Process Gardening GmbH
Dr. Mario Schubert
Process Gardening GmbH, München
Dear visitors, please note, the webinar will be held in German. Thank you

More ease of work through systems and processes (in German)
● Which problems you may encounter while dealing with paper, Word or Excel.
And how to resolve them.
● The three most important elements of a strong documentation culture.
Hint: it's not the many signatures ...
● The 7 principles to structure your documentation so ...more