Product novelty 18. September 2024

Product innovations BPO

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Elho - rain barrel
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DYKA - Axedo gully
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DYKA - Axedo gully
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Craemer HB3 - Hygiene palletbox
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Craemer HB3 - Hygiene palletbox
Elho rain barrel - The Green Basics Rain Barrel Plus is a solution for anyone who is economical on water for use in the garden. With a generous capacity of up to 110 litres or 200 litres, this rain barrel offers sufficient capacity to collect and store rainwater for when it is needed. The plastic barrel and base must be able to withstand a water load when the rain barrel is full. This means a load of up to 200 kilograms! The base of the rain barrel has been analysed and optimised by BPO, so that the product is strong enough and does not collapse under the forces exerted on it.

DYKA Axedo gully - BPO developed the new Axedo gully in cooperation with DYKA. The modular structure of this product is its most innovative feature. Different variations in volume, connections and accessories can be created from the basic design. The challenge was to engineer robust parts and connections while minimising the unit price in the complete manufacturing process. The design must also align with the Axedo brand and be distinctive from competitor solutions.

Craemer HB3 Hygiene palletbox - The full development of the HB3 pallet box was performed by BPO, from the first design brief to a detailed product with all required production details. Craemer and BPO went through a structured process, which started with the major challenges. An idea exploration was done, followed by the combination of the most promising ideas in different concept designs, each with its own unique combination of solutions. After one concept was selected for further development, the design was detailed step by step, while adding more detail each time and resolving smaller challenges. According to our usual practice, simulations were used to validate and optimise the performance of the box.